Lesson 100
Intro to Angular
This Lesson’s Focus
- Go over what a SPA is an why we are using Angular for this.
At CoderGirl
- Introduction to Single Page APPs (SPAs)
- Introduction to Angular and why we are teaching it
Do On Your Own
- Watch the Getting Started with Angular videos on Egghead.io
- You are not expected to have learned Angular by watching these videos. Right now, they are to simply give you an introduction to the concepts. This is a very fast-paced set of videos, and we will be going over the material later in more detail, as well as reviewing individual videos later.
- Watch the videos through twice, I’d suggest turning the auto-play off to not overload your brain and expect to space this out over a few days. I’m a senior dev and I found them fast paced. Again, this is just to get you to hear the terms before we start in on the lessons.