Lesson 12

This Lesson’s Focus: Javascript Empowerment

A CoderGirl you completed a team challenge where you were give a web app design and functionality and you had to code it from SCRATCH with you team. Use this accomplishment to keep practicing javascript and add new features to your Cat Lady Scale site.

At CoderGirl

CG Two Truths and A Lie Team Challenge

See Instructions here.

Course Work

Assignment: Cat Lady Scale Challenges

Add the following new feature to the Cat Lady Scale project.

Feature 1 - The Scale
In the picture above you will notice a scale displayed below the “Your Current Cat Lady Status” section. Add this scale to your project. As the user’s cat lady status changes move the colored dot and the bolded text to reflect the current cat lady scale status.

Feature 2 - The Scale Hover
Now that your new scale is in place, when the user hovers over a scale circle, display the title of the corresponding status object. For example, if a user hovered over the 7 circle, you would display “A One-Cat Kind of Human” in a little pop-up.

Feature 3 - Change of Cat Lady Behavior List
Change the Cat Lady Behaviors List to display all the behavior options as items. Users can now check the box to “add behaviors” and uncheck the box to “remove behaviors”. This will take a lot of code changing but I believe in you!

Feature 4 - Bonus
Have an idea for a cool new feature. Add it and show a mentor!
