

Welcome to CoderGirl’s Front-End Web Developer learning plan!

This path is for people wanting to code websites. By the end of this path you will have…

This site will act as your portal to all the resources you will need on your learning path. Starting with Lessons. Lessons consist of…

  1. A Focus - what you will learn during the lesson
  2. Meet-Up Content - a brief description of what we will do at the Wednesday Meet-Up
  3. Course Work - this is work that you will completed to finish the lesson. This will vary from week to week. It could be working on a project, answering a question, taking online courses, or reading some articles.

Outside of Lessons there are a few other tools you can use to work through the Learning Path…

  1. Slack - slack is a great tool that allows you to not feel lonely as you are learning outside of the physical CoderGirl meet-up. This is where you can talk to other people in your cohort (maybe some homework help), get help from mentors, or post cool/helpful things you find as you learn. It’s the same community you will find at the physical meet-up but ONLINE! It’s great.
    • If you haven’t already, join the slack community here go to the Pre-Lesson to download and get started
    • If you have slack, but aren’t sure how to use it, just google it. There are some great articles out there. (You can also start with the one slack offers)
  2. CoderGirl Meet-Ups (6-8pm Wednesday) Meet-Ups happen every Wednesday from 6-8pm. To be prepared, make sure to bring:
    1. your computer (or if you don’t have one, you will have access to one at CoderGirl)
    2. computer charger
    3. some headphones
    4. a pen and some paper

At the MeetUp, the Web Dev mentors will lead you through a variety of things…

Mentors will post what we covered in the MeetUp after every Wednesday so you have a reference (or in the case you are not in St. Louis, you can follow along).

You are ready to begin the First Lesson!



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